Software solution StarWind

StarWind Software is one of the pioneers in storage virtualization. The company was founded in 2003 and is headquarted in Middleton, USA. Its solution offers a unique combination of simplicity, performance and availability without compromising flexibility. StarWind is a leader in low-cost hyper-converged appliance solutions. However, they offer a software solution for SDS, storage appliance and other products. This allows the vendor to adapt to any need of any organization, from smallest to enterprise.

StarWind Enterprise Storage Appliance

StarWind Fractal SAN is designed for customers who need to store large amounts of data. It effectively solves scaling problems.

StarWind HyperConverged Appliance

StarWind HyperConverged Appliance is for companies that want to minimize application unavailability and have a limited IT team or resources.

StarWind Storage Appliance

Designed for companies with fixed computing part that need to meet storage performance and capacity growth requirements at the same time.

StarWind Virtual SAN

No need for physical shared storage with StarWind VSAN. Simply by mirroring of internal disks and flash between virtualized servers.

StarWind Virtual Tape Library

StarWind VTL helps to reduce expensive tape backup processes and meeting data archival and retention requirements at the same time.

StarWind Virtual Tape Library Appliance

Represents an alternative when you want to reduce expensive tape backp processes with no negative impact on implemented archival and retention processes.

Jan Romančenko

Jan Romancenko

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